Friday, July 02, 2004
OH My G*D. I am a complete and total teenage girl. Somewhere between the last post and this one. I tasted 15 men. It was this crazy desire that grew inside me as the weekend approached. I wanted to tangle myself in sex. And man did that work out. Saturday night: Cricket and Tophilosopher and I meet up. We gab for a bit and then hang out in the bar. I have been there for a bit longer then them (2 hours, 4-5 tongues) but life is good. As we hang out by the pool tables I run into this couple from San Diego. Well technically I meet one of them first. But I have devolped this 2nd sense about couples. Couples are any man I am attracted to who has a friend I also find hot. Irregardless of how. I begin making out with the both of them. Suddenly, a hand is slipped in my pants. It starts to play with my cock. End of story? I saunter over to the kissing Cricket and Tophil and point to a spot on the floor… “see that? That’s my cum.” I slept well that night. Next morning I was up at 9 to get over to the aids hospice at 10:00 which I made at 10:30. I helped them set up brunch, and then take it down. I left at around 12:00, got up to Cricket by 12:30 to watch the parade with him. Kin stopped by at around 1:30 with his Daddy who was in from San Diego and we all watched the parade together. At 4:30 we hit up Weehawken street. That was fun. Not more no less. But I didn’t go home with anyone. Not for lack of opportunity though. Somewhere along the line I just thought… “why am I doing this?” Never think that if you want to sleep with a stranger. I spent the rest of the night contemplating that thought as I stuck my tongue in the mouths of babes. I just don’t know. it’s like I shift back and forth. I want sex, but what kind? With whom? And after? Is it worth the wait of getting to know someone? Do I even want to know them? I have no clue. But I have so many possibilities for sex. So I am going to whittle it down. I think I’m just spinning a bit. It’s this strange feeling in me. I want something… Just need to define it. So I wasn’t penis out. But since I can do that any weekend, what makes pride so damn special? Next time… we go for substance… Kidding. Next time we go for 12 different men. Who are all those people?
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