Friday, July 02, 2004
I keep hearing about this “over medicated society” that we live in. There are pages on how ADHD doesn’t exist. Depression is a myth. “You’re not sick! You’re stupid!” Fuck that. I have ADHD. It sucks. Sigh… It’s all encompassing too. And that’s the part that sucks. Today at work I came out about it. Being gay never bothered me a lot. Being kinky never left the too bad a taste in my mouth, It fucked (fucks?) with me sometimes. But I wouldn’t remove it from me. And I would pick being gay over straight any day. But the ADHD? I’d cut it from me if I could. I hate it. There are these pills. When I don’t take them I am different. I can’t focus. Talking to me is hard. I can’t remember tasks. And even on the pills I have certain limitations. It just sucks. And I can feel it wear off too. Tonight I got home from work and looked down to see this bleeding scratch on my hand. That sucked. Not that I walk around all day cursing ADHD. It’s goes largely unnoticed. Except the mornings, when I take the pill. And the nights when it wears off and I still have a project to do. But i hate it. It’s why I try not to think about it. I hate the pills. I hate the idea that I need them. I hate that I need them. I hate that (some)people feel like it’s not real. And I hate that I feel different on them. So I don’t think about it. mmmm…Sirs tomorrow. And girlfag the day after ? DRUGS! I keep hearing about this “over medicated society” that we live in. There are pages on how ADHD doesn’t exist. Depression is a myth. “You’re not sick! You’re stupid!” Fuck that. I have ADHD. It sucks. Sigh… It’s all encompassing too. And that’s the part that sucks. Today at work I came out about it. Being gay never bothered me a lot. Being kinky never left the too bad a taste in my mouth, It fucked (fucks?) with me sometimes. But I wouldn’t remove it from me. And I would pick being gay over straight any day. But the ADHD? I’d cut it from me if I could. I hate it. There are these pills. When I don’t take them I am different. I can’t focus. Talking to me is hard. I can’t remember tasks. And even on the pills I have certain limitations. It just sucks. And I can feel it wear off too. Tonight I got home from work and looked down to see this bleeding scratch on my hand. That sucked. Not that I walk around all day cursing ADHD. It’s goes largely unnoticed. Except the mornings, when I take the pill. And the nights when it wears off and I still have a project to do. But i hate it. It’s why I try not to think about it. I hate the pills. I hate the idea that I need them. I hate that I need them. I hate that (some)people feel like it’s not real. And I hate that I feel different on them. So I don’t think about it. mmmm…Sirs tomorrow. And girlfag the day after ? Who are all those people?

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