Friday, June 04, 2004
Starbucks boy
The coffee giant known as Starbucks has consented to hire me; believing me capable of serving their sizzling brew to the delightful patrons of Their ever-loving global Starbucks Corporation. I start on Tuesday. I’m not sure that I am excited. I’m more worried than anything. Barista is one of those jobs that is easy to hate. The customers can suck, your boss can be mean, and, well, you serve coffee, which screams MONOTANUS. But it’s 7.50 an hour, with room to grow, and hours that are nice. Oh, and I get free coffee, delicious, tasty coffee. More than anything at the moment I am excited to have a job that is local. My commute to Teching was about an hour and 15 both ways. Now it’s about 5 minutes. This leaves so much time to do stuff. I can hit the gym for one, blogging, volunteering at the local firehouse (yum), TNG, and helping out GMSMA with a website (maybe). It does come with an Uber-sad cost. Less time with SIRS. Since Starbucks corporation does not allow for one to do twelve hour work days (8 or less), one has to work diligently to reach 40 hours. That means 5 days a week which means that my trips to boston must now be contained within a weekend. Friday-Saturday-Sunday, and only the one full day of Saturday since I will arrive at like 8 on Fridays, and leave at 8 on Sundays; getting me to NYC at 12, and home at 2 am (I hope). And that’s the year ahead. Working hard to earn little, and not having as much vacation as I want, all the while pondering what the hell I’m doing. I want to find that cool job. You know, the job were can I show up love what I do, and then leave while the sun is still out. And one that lets me talk on the phone while I am there. And it would have cool people who worked there. Problem being…I don’t think I would by coffee from a place that was open from 12-4 and had all of it’s workers on the phone or talking to each-other. I can’t wait to have my college degree, but I am still frustrated and unsure of what I want to go for. Do I want to do marketing? Finance? Accounting? Which pays more? Which won’t I hate? How do I know what I will like in 3 years? I miss being a kid who didn’t have to work all that often. This is okay too, it’s summer in my town, there are all sorts of possibilities, and I haven’t screwed up my life yet. It’s just there is SO MUCH to decide, and so little time. And other times there is SO MUCH time and so little money. I mean I have 6 weeks, I could go to France if I had the cash. “every time God Closes a door he opens a window” “that’s so we’ll have something to jump out of” (saved) But back to regular life: Yesterday I was at the Yankee Game. I was working as an EMT because the ambulance company I work for has a special “entertainment” division that covers those games in case a fly ball should hit someone. I digress, I was at this game, and when I wasn’t watching the field I kept getting the eye from this guy in a Gotham Knights rugby Shirt. He would get up to use the bathroom and say hello as he passed. I would smile and nod his way when he went by. Finally I broke down and asked when there next game was. “oh, I quit” “oh?” “yeah, just got busy elsewhere” “hmmm” and then I went for the kill “ever get to the eagle?” “Yeah…” We exchanged numbers. I love it when that stuff works out. I think it’s the kill I seek more than the actual acts sometimes. Knowing that I could sleep around with some guy is sometimes all I need. Sometimes that is. After work that day (Thursday) I hit the gym my local gym (my college has a campus near my house that has one! It’s been awhile since I’ve worked out with any consistency, so I had a lot of questions for the trainer. He was really helpful, and really nice too, I had forgotten that about the suburbs. You can say hello to people on the street and they will respond with “how are you?” even if they don’t know you. The trouble with suburbs is this: There is little consideration of things outside the spectrum of normalcy that exists there. I can’t cruise up there. Catch somebody’s eyes in the city and you can figure out if they want you…catch someone’s eyes in the burbs and you can figure out if you know their sister, son, daughter, whatever. Oh well, life is otherwise good and so forth. New Job, Same great wonderful fantastic Sirs, and same college. Life is attaining an equilibrium. Weird. Who are all those people?

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