Saturday, April 03, 2004
Things to look forward to this summer.
Screaming the lyrics to BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY by the verve in some car, at some point, while heading down some back road Hearing Alli insult the people who frequent the pool she works as a life guard at. Visiting my Sirs and not having to take study breaks Getting home at 8 am from little more than toast at the local dinner. Exchanging mix CD’s of all the latest music. Sunshine Feeling older Feeling younger. Nearly getting arrested at least once, and then having a laugh cause the cops in my dinky small town know me, or at least one person I am with. So we exchange those glances like “yeah, you could arrest me, but c’mon” Midnights swimming Sleeping over Sunbathing on my roof, despite my irish flesh. Maybe getting a tattoo…. Maybe just placing my dog tags somewhere on my flesh so the sun makes them leave a mark… Having a plan for school
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