Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Tattoo you
Sirs say that they are going to “something” with me in the whole tattoo/pierce department. Sir is partial to nose rings…the kind that bulls have. That might mean I would have a septum piercing, which is a hot thought. Even hotter is the fact that Sir likes them and that means that he would like me having one…and I would have a new thing to fiddle with in class. Oh! And I could hang stuff from it! That would be so COOL! There is also talk of Nipple rings! Picture my nipples pierced! Sparkling, jingling nipples. Hehe, that would be so cool! And they would be fun to play with! I could get those little barbells and use words like “gage” and such in reference to my nipples. And then there is my want. A tattoo. A lovely picture upon my flesh. Something I could look at later on in life and think back on my twenties. Rubbing it as I do so. Sue has book of drawings and some of them are really cool One is this image of a tombstone and the phrase “someone important who is now forgotten” on the tombstone Another is this cool lawn gnome I would love that on my body, but I want something more personal. I am told that one needs to go with things based on personal experience. I want a star. Stars are all over my life. My last name is means Star in german. Cause our people were actors or some such crap… My collar had a star on it, The first collar I wore for my Sirs had a star on it, I am jewish (sort of) all about stars there (though this would be 5 point, I hope) A fucking awesome star; with the caption “I want to believe” underneath it. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE? But the coolest part about all of this? Sir and Daddybear are going to pick. They will choose anything get is increased to a full level turn on with that fact. Plus, I can be sure that it will be me. Cause they know, better than I know myself in some ways. Meanwhile I argued with Sir tonight. I won’t go into the argument, not important. And it’s resolved amicably. But it’s funny, I hate to argue with them, and I LOVE TO ARGUE. So we worked out a way for me to voice my concerns. And the best part? I know He’ll listen. Sigh, I love them Who are all those people?
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