Thursday, March 11, 2004
MEGA hottie from GMSMA/TNG who I had coffee with last night:
Sigh…what makes a man a mega hottie? It’s pretty simple. You have to be hot (attractive to me). And then there is this second component, we will call it aura. Sir and Daddybear are mega hotties. It’s essentially this combo of being dominant without being distant. I know my Sirs as people, but I also know them as my Sirs. The two don’t confuse each-other. It’s this cuddly warmth that makes me want to expose myself and have them bruise me. So now what do we call GMSMA Hottie? I am unsure. So he shall be GMSMA hottie until I come up with something. But you should understand this is the man whom demoed at TNG. He is so smart, and erotic, and really cares about the community, but he is not pompous about doing it. And he agrees with my thoughts on GMSMA. It is not serving the community the way is should be. It’s lost a bit of it’s mission statement. And he’s hot. He was licking my ear in the back of this GMSMA meeting, and I think my vision went blurry for a moment. So I handed him this blog address today, which I haven’t been doing a lot of because this blog has been a bit heavy recently. What with all that’s happening. So I have been holding off on giving it out till I know people better. I don’t want them to get on this thing and think “woah!” I rather they have a reference. And then if they thing Woah, that’s okay. So I am hoping to see him for play, but there are restrictions on him from his relationship. And I understand that (there are restrictions on me from mine). Either way, he is a cool person to know. But heres hoping for nakedness. Anyway, I have this date tonight, and I am nervous, This is with DAReal, Dinner at some Italian joint and a movie. It’s quaint. I don’t realty do quaint. So lets hope the movie is porn… Sigh, i better head out, if I want to be there on time. Still left to go over: Playing with GARCHOMP again, and the story of why stopped My meeting with my therapist wednesday Why I may play with Specs again (and why I may be a moron) Aprentiship in a dungeon. My plan to rebuild NYC leather. The man I will be having dinner with tomorrow.
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