Tuesday, January 06, 2004
worst g*d father ever.
So tonight i get home, and my father informs me i will be doing an allya (not sure how to spell that in english). Which is essentially introducing a section of my little brothers torah portion. Then he hits me with the explaination "your mother and i figured it was appropriate being that your his god father." HMMMM!?!!?!? oh that's right, when My younger brother was born i was elected his godfather. That totally slipped my mind. I think it happened becuase my parents wanted to be sure i didn't feel to upset by his birth. he did, after all, steal my status as baby of the family. It's weird, it's also kind of exciting. The little one is pretty happy that i agreed to it. It's his day and i plan not to fuck it up. So Baruch a ta Adonai lay-o-lum Va-ed! (spelled phonetically). i have my siddur out and all. I plan to photocopy some pages and practice a bit. It's about 4 lines and i don't need to memorize so i should be fine. Still, weird that i am his god father. I probablly have to get him a better bar mitzvah gift....hmmm

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