Friday, January 23, 2004
My Rant
So, I am tech-ing tonight (being an EMT). I have been dragging my laptop with me because I am using the time between jobs to fix up my Resume. Fortunately, I think I am done with it. The problem is I will be applying to jobs as a Per diem worker. Most places don’t exactly higher that way. You start out as part time, or full time and decide to become per diem. You see, per diem workers are people tend to have no regular schedule. They call in when they want to work, and ask for times that are available. This works out well for a college student who might want work one Sunday, but might want the other Sunday off (to say…go up to Boston). But I digress. I am trying to change places of work, find either a closer ambulance company, or work at a local hospital. I want more money and a shorter commute. Since I now have Mondays off from school (this semester), if the place is local enough I can do part time on either Friday (after 2 pm) or Monday and have all my weekends free! The likely hood is that this won’t happen. But hopefully I will be able to work per diem for a hospital and then I will be able to make more money and stay inside. Plus it get a bit lonely with just you and your partner to talk to. In a hospital ER there is at least 4 other people with you at any hour of the night. Plus, more emergencies and greater experience. So we shall see what happens. Mean time: I have some things I need to think about…and I need to start planning better. Oh yeah, and I have been masturbating like crazy since coming to grips with my desire to be Sir and Daddybears still. And that is a good thing.

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