Wednesday, December 17, 2003
I am a whiny little bitch: day and night 4
So they had me stay until Monday (this was decided pre-crying). It was basically un-eventful: I got up as Daddybear and Sir left for work. Daddybear kissed me goodbye and groped me a little (woohoo) So did Sir (woohoo). I cleaned the bathroom, did the chores. Then studied and waited for Sir and Daddybear to come back from work (if I ever become a house boy, I will need a steady job, I don’t think I could hang out at home all day). Sir came back from work early (permit my small ego trip, and the thought I might have played some small role in that). But I was a bit whiny…I guess the night before left me feeling a bit raw…but I was also a little upset about the whole not being fucked thing. I wanted it…hell I put in a lot of hours for it. I was begging for it, and they refused it (none of this is sounding boy like I know). So I felt thi So…I acted in a way I was not proud of… I was a jerk to Sir. I won’t go into details but, I got whiny and not very submissive which would have been fine, but I acted more like a brat than anything. Sufice to say it wasn’t a proud moment. But why…why was I whiny…I think it was that after crying…I just felt this need to pump up my masculinity. It was foolish and not very effective. Anyway…Sir showed me how to make hamburgers (slap the meat into a “patty” then put in a skillet to fry it). Daddybear had to work late so I am on the bus home before he get to say goodbye…but he gave me a call on the bus to say thanks for the weekend. There is a whole lot I am missing of the weekend… I am sure I got some the details wrong. But I think the gist of it is what matters. So that’s it. I cried. I go back on the 27th, they say they will expect more. I am not scared of screwing up. I know they only want to know that I am trying, and I plan on trying. But…you know I am just gonna leave that but. There is a But…I just don’t know what it is yet.

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