Monday, December 01, 2003
Dinner and a slut
Before I begin, Girlfag reads this! Warm fuzzies, She is sooo smart, and soooo cool (judging from blogs), had she a penis, I would make lewd offers. Back to the rant: It’s strange isn’t it? We have all these friendships, these people we know from screenames. They become real when we do things for them. I bought a book at Special k’s recommendation. I haven’t had a haircut in over a month in prep for my visit with Daddybear and SIR. These connections feel real, and we make them that way, when both parties are honest. But it’s still strange, some of my friends I haven’t met. I had dinner and a bar with Daddybear and SIR. Gosh, it was amazing, fun, cool. I am fantasizing about them. First we had dinner, which was supposed to be the end of it. They asked if I would be okay with waiting in the city… I hit up my dorms, and veged with tv, and college buds, for a couple hours. Then I bounce out to the eagle. I haven’t been there in a bit, so I kiss and makeup with Derek (a bar worker I set a flame). I then take my place by SIR and DaddyBear standing near them. When Daddybear goes outside to smoke, I ask to follow. We talk (most of my contact has been with SIR, so talking to Daddybear was nice). He discussed this leatherboy (human woman) that SIR and he play with, how she eats ash. The discussion made me want to try it. I did, it was cool, salty, weird taste, I swigged Daddybear’s beer to wash it from my mouth. Later we went to the upper floor of the eagle it was nice, and I saw leather, but I knew most of them wouldn’t know what flogger was. But more to the point, I was content with the two men I was with. It was a nice feeling. They smell good too. SIR tastes good, (Daddybear wouldn’t let me). I got comfortable, too comfortable, and talk to one of his friends in a way that is inappropriate for a boy. So SIR is a peeved at me for that, I have to prove myself. But I feel like I have a ways to go. Which is an odd feeling for me. But I am excited. Oh! Play with Garchomp tomorrow, (my ass is to be squeaky clean). I had to jerk off twice today as the mere though of him get me hard. Knowing these 3 people may one day prove interesting as at some point, you have to pick from them. Or do I? I am jumping the gun, we shall see how it all flows.
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