Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Okay, so the first couple days of college have been murder on my schedule, I can no longer sleep in and get up at noon, it 8:00 everyday except Friday. Which does not mesh well with my desire to stay up till 2 am, but I am doing it, so all is well thus far. I still do not have a place on campus yet (within the next two weeks is what I am told) but I am finding the commute to be slightly better that tolerable. It’s nice to have an hour each day to myself, surrounded by people. I get some work done on the way in and sip coffee while Wall Street types discuss there day to day plans with associates and what not. Classes are okay, I loath math, but I can do it just fine (need to find my graphing calc.), I love my gender studies course, I am thinking of doing my final project on lesbian sadomasochist’s. Other than that no classes stick out with me, everything is fine. The only real dilemma is when I will move into the dorms, but I am giving it to the end of September and then figure it out if they don’t have anything by then. I met up with Red yesterday for lunch, made him kiss me before he left. Yes it was childish, but he was so nervous it was very cute, and it’s that Chihuahua like energy that people sometimes pull off that gets me going. Otherwise I am hanging out with Gike and Glex, and some girl named pam. We have been hitting the bars last weekend, but this one I am gonna be working so we are gonna do a bowling alley (hello Chelsea piers). VJ and I are starting to grow apart, but I can deal. In the mean time I am thinking of starting to wear a leather flag shirt to class. Just for kicks, no one knows what it means, and those that do would have to explain themselves. All is good, off to class!

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