Friday, July 11, 2003
Back: So after coffee I met up with Slow for lunch, it was nice, and weird too. I avoid lunch or dinner with people because I hate to just sit and talk. But it was nice, we sat there just exchanging stories of growing up gay and kinky. It was nice as we got to talking I don’t know that I like it better than coffee, but it has it’s place. After lunch I got my dildo and saw Cute Red, which was nice. We talked for a bit. I went home and saw Owner (again, not owned by him, just a nickname). We played around with his stun gun, and a facial exerciser, which was fun (thought at one point I backed myself into his closet trying to get away. Before I went out to the bar I borrowed a t-shirt of his (hot) and met up with Axe for coffee. We walked around the city talking about our various desires, and what we thought was down the road. He is in a relationship which he is happy with, but he likes bondage and his partner doesn’t so he has to look for it elsewhere. We fooled around in the Eagle for a bit, and I began to flirt with the bartender. We (the bartended and I) switched shirts (we switched back when I left, I would not give away Owners shirt). Axe and I met a couple more guys, and then left and I drove him home, we sat in my car arranging a play date (we would have played that night, but I wanted to not screw it up). So Saturday I may come back with stories of bondage and fun, and a new naked buddy. Off for college orientation tomorrow! Woohoo!!!! Super fun with other teens (okay I hate people my age, really more excited with the part where I live in NYC, and learn stuff). Oh and Specs, if you ever read these things, sorry for my weirdness today. Expect that often, until I figure out what I want.
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