Thursday, June 12, 2003
OH MY F*CKING L*RD I had a good day, a very good day. I met up with a fellow boy from LN today, he drove and hour and change to see me. i think i shall call him timid, no, that name doesn't do justice, hmm. Oh! i got it, he is "Enge" short for engender. He brought out this top side to me. its funny how many of my quirks fit into the top persona. I picked the restuarant, I directed where we went, I paid (he prottested, I still paid). It was nice, i didn't really go into the meeting thinking i would be dominant. it just kind of fell into place. Enge is amazing in a lot of ways, he described being into leather and being gay as kind of a combined movement in him. he likes the hyper-masculinity of leather, he likes older guys mostly. He has been owned, and decided it's not for him. In a lot of ways he is more progressed than me, he has been to IML and MAL, and met a lot people, he owns a sleep sack, and other toys. But at the same time, i am a ahead of him in my experiences with pain, and sadomasochism. but liek me he is new, and throughing himself into it hard, 6 months in and he has done a lot. So we met at a mall, i needed to buy a DVD, cruel intentions, which i will force anyone to watch, i lost my other copy. We chatted and explored where eachother was, spoke about family, coming out, college, school, relationships, movies and the like. we spent 4 hours together, just talking. okay i don't want to date, i don't want a boyfriend, i just want to have friends i sleep with. as such i try to hookup within the first 20 minutes of realizing i want the guy. Well... this was different, i am unskilled as a top, and he still wants to top me too (i think i am more the dominant one but who knows). So although i knew i wanted to play, and thought he did... practicality dictated delay. Okay, so i felt like a kid the whole time, he would bump into me slightly, and smile. i would touch his elbow with mine, and grin. G*d help me i felt like a kid, like the awkward teenager i was only 2 years ago. so as we left the mall i made my move. i grabbed his shirt, and let a kiss fly. at first i thought i fucked up, he took a step back. " that was un-expected" we talked more, as we went back to his car... then he kissed me. and from there, we bonded more, until it led to making out. lots of making out... and aparantly my weight training is paying off, he is smaller than me, and i could easily lift him up to crush him against my car as i kissed him and yankes his nipples through his shirt.... Slutty? yes, Fun? yeah! stupid? well i live in a small town and this was a mall in Connecticut, so stares were all over. oh well, it was fun. Before i left for a babysitting i was roped into (foolishly people think i am good with them). We talked about our next meet, next wednesday, i am taking him to pork told him i would plan the whole thing. I still felt like i wanted to know him more, so i asked him to email me what he fantasied about when he j/o for this whole week (got the first one tonight), he only agreed under the premise that i would do the same for him. This could become very fun :) Alright, i have to Jerk off, and email my thoughts to Enge.
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