Thursday, January 19, 2006
I continue to not die
I've been trying to figure out my life plan as of late. I have aproximately a year and a quarter till graduation. And I am rapidly coming to a place where I need to pick a path. At the moment, there are two: one path leads me to owning my own business or doing something creative like that. The other is the safe corporate road. Here's the trouble, I love one thing in life: Gay Sex. That's it. There is no deeper part of me yet. I like books, I like movies, I like people. I love gay sex. So in my head, I keep hearing my father's voice (and to some extent my Sirs) telling me about the benefit of the corporate path. Stay in school, get good grade, work for giant firm doing things that may or may not cause the extinction of woodland animals. But there's this other part of me, this part of me that wants more. I want to do something I love. I want to get up in the morning and feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. But what? See, this second path is untroden, and not as easy. But it's not easy primarily for it's limitless possibilities. I hate choices. So, I'm setting a goal, by Febuary, I will have picked an idea and I will stick to it! Who are all those people?

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